Coverage for lst_auto_rta/ 0%
64 statements
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1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2import argparse
3import os
4from os import listdir
5from os.path import isfile, join
7import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
8import numpy as np
9import tables
10from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
12parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
13 description="Automatic Script for the DL1 check", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
15parser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", default="/fefs/onsite/pipeline/rta/data/", help="Directory for data")
16parser.add_argument("-da", "--date", default="20230705", help="Date of the run to check")
17parser.add_argument("-r", "--run-id", default="13600", help="run id to check")
18parser.add_argument("-add", "--add-string", default="reco/", help="add a string to the path")
19parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", default="", help="output path")
21args = parser.parse_args()
22config = vars(args)
24font = {"family": "normal", "weight": "bold", "size": 22}
26plt.rc("font", **font)
29def plotImage(outputPlot, tabX, tabY, signal, imageIndex, eventId, eventType, tabFixPixelOrder=None, id_=0):
30 strInfo = f"image {imageIndex}, id = {eventId}, type = {eventType},\n Signal mean = {signal.mean()} pe, min = {signal.min()}, max = {signal.max()}, std = {signal.std()}"
31 print(strInfo)
32 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10))
33 fig.patch.set_alpha(1.0)
34 if tabFixPixelOrder is not None:
35 plt.scatter(tabX[tabFixPixelOrder], tabY[tabFixPixelOrder], c=signal, s=120)
36 else:
37 plt.scatter(tabX, tabY, c=signal, s=120)
39 plt.axis("equal")
40 plt.xlabel("x")
41 plt.ylabel("y")
42 plt.colorbar()
43 plt.text(0.05, 0.95, strInfo, transform=fig.transFigure, size=14)
45 plt.savefig(outputPlot + "/plotImage" + str(id_) + ".png")
46 # pdf.savefig() # saves the current figure into a pdf page
47 plt.close()
50def processAllFile(outputPlot, inputFile, firstImageIndex=0, lastImageIndex=10000, indexStep=1, id_=0):
51 hfile = tables.open_file(inputFile, "r")
53 tabX ="pix_x")
54 tabY ="pix_y")
56 try:
57 tabPixelOrder =
58 except:
59 tabPixelOrder = None
61 # tabImages = hfile.root.dl1.event.telescope.images.tel_001.col("image")
62 # tabEventId = hfile.root.dl1.event.subarray.trigger.col("event_id")
63 # tabEventType = hfile.root.dl1.event.subarray.trigger.col("event_type")
65 tabImages = hfile.root.dl1.event.telescope.images.tel_001.col("image")
66 tabTime = hfile.root.dl1.event.telescope.images.tel_001.col("peak_time")
67 tabEventId = hfile.root.dl1.event.telescope.parameters.tel_001.col("event_id")
68 tabEventType = hfile.root.dl1.event.telescope.parameters.tel_001.col("event_type")
69 tabIntensity = hfile.root.dl1.event.telescope.parameters.tel_001.col("hillas_intensity")
70 # id_ = 0
71 # for i in range(firstImageIndex, len(tabImages), indexStep):
72 for i in range(firstImageIndex, lastImageIndex, indexStep):
73 if tabEventType[i] == 1 and tabIntensity[i] > 11000 and tabIntensity[i] < 12000:
74 plotImage(outputPlot, tabX, tabY, tabImages[i], i, tabEventId[i], tabEventType[i], tabPixelOrder, id_)
75 id_ = id_ + 1
76 return id_
79mypath = config["directory"] + config["date"] + "/" + config["run_id"] + "/" + config["add_string"] + "/dl1/"
80mypath_rundir = config["directory"] + config["date"] + "/" + config["run_id"] + "/" + config["add_string"]
81print("Path is here ", mypath)
82if not os.path.exists(mypath_rundir + "plots"):
83 os.mkdir(mypath_rundir + "plots")
84filename = [f for f in listdir(mypath) if isfile(join(mypath, f)) if "dl1" in f if not "v06" in f]
85print("Plotting image from these files", filename)
86index = 0
87for i in filename:
88 print(mypath + i)
89 print("output in ", mypath_rundir + "plots")
90 index = processAllFile(mypath_rundir + "plots", mypath + i, id_=index)