Coverage for lst_auto_rta/ 0%
112 statements
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1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# S. Caroff
5Script to merge DL3 and Analyse them
8$> python
9--input-filter "dl3_LST-1.Run04190.*.fits"
10--input-directory "./DL3/"
11--output-dir "./DL3/"
12--run_id 9864
15import argparse
16import glob
17import os
19# import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
20import warnings
21from pathlib import Path
23import astropy.units as u
24import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
25import numpy as np
26from import fits
27from astropy.table import Column, QTable, Table, vstack
28from import DataStore, EventList
29from SourceAnalyse import event
33# import toml
34import glob
35import time
37# from PIL import Image
40def CreatePlots(directory, run_id, RA, DEC, RA_map, DEC_map):
41 datastore = DataStore.from_dir(directory)
43 Analysis = event(directory, run_id)
44 print("Create On Region...")
45 Analysis.create_on_region(RA, DEC)
46 print("Create Exclusion Mask")
47 Analysis.create_exclusion_mask()
48 print("create reduction chain")
49 Analysis.reduction_chain()
50 print("create data maker")
51 Analysis.data_maker()
52 print("data run")
53 # Analysis.data_run()
54 # Analysis.signal_info()
55 # Analysis.fit_spectrum()
57 # Analysis.plot_timee()
58 # excess_reflected,excess_reflected_uncertainty,c,d,sig_reflected,sig_livetime = Analysis.signal_info()
59 # Analysis.flux_plot(plot=False,)
61 print("Compute Acceptance model")
62 Analysis.calculate_acceptance_model(plot=False)
63 print("Add acceptance map")
64 Analysis.add_acceptance_map()
65 print("Compute map")
66 Analysis.map_geometry(RA_map, DEC_map, plot=False, binsize=0.05, npix_x=150, npix_y=150)
67 ring_excess, ring_sqrt_ts, ring_bg, uncertainty_excess_ring = Analysis.ring_data_estimation()
68 sources = Analysis.excess_significance_plot(directory=directory, plot=True)
69 return (sources[0][3], sources[0][4])
72def main():
73 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="DL3 merger")
75 # Required arguments
76 parser.add_argument(
77 "--input-filter",
78 "-f",
79 type=str,
80 dest="input_data",
81 help='DL3 filter selection, example : "dl3_LST-1.Run04190.*.fits"',
82 default=None,
83 required=True,
84 )
86 parser.add_argument(
87 "--input-directory",
88 "-d",
89 type=str,
90 dest="input_dir",
91 help="path to input DL3 files directory",
92 default=None,
93 required=True,
94 )
96 parser.add_argument(
97 "--output-dir",
98 "-o",
99 type=str,
100 dest="output_fits_dir",
101 help="path to output files",
102 default=None,
103 required=True,
104 )
105 parser.add_argument(
106 "--run_id", "-r", type=int, dest="run_id", help="path to output files", default=None, required=True
107 )
108 args = parser.parse_args()
110 file_filter = args.input_data # "dl3_LST-1.Run04190.*.fits"
111 directory = args.input_dir # "/home/sami.caroff/cta-lstchain-enrique/cta-lstchain/lstchain/scripts/"
112 print(directory + file_filter)
113 filelist = glob.glob(directory + file_filter)
115 hdu1 =[0])
116 for file in filelist[1:]:
117 hdu2 =
118 nev_hdu1 = len(hdu1["EVENTS"].data)
119 nev_hdu2 = len(hdu2["EVENTS"].data)
120 if (hdu1["EVENTS"].header["RA_PNT"] - hdu2["EVENTS"].header["RA_PNT"]) ** 2 < 2**2:
121 print(hdu1["EVENTS"].header["RA_PNT"], " ", hdu2["EVENTS"].header["RA_PNT"])
122 print(file)
123 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["RA_PNT"] = (
124 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["RA_PNT"] * nev_hdu1 + hdu2["EVENTS"].header["RA_PNT"] * nev_hdu2
125 ) / (nev_hdu1 + nev_hdu2)
126 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["DEC_PNT"] = (
127 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["DEC_PNT"] * nev_hdu1 + hdu2["EVENTS"].header["DEC_PNT"] * nev_hdu2
128 ) / (nev_hdu1 + nev_hdu2)
129 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["ALT_PNT"] = (
130 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["ALT_PNT"] * nev_hdu1 + hdu2["EVENTS"].header["ALT_PNT"] * nev_hdu2
131 ) / (nev_hdu1 + nev_hdu2)
132 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["AZ_PNT"] = (
133 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["AZ_PNT"] * nev_hdu1 + hdu2["EVENTS"].header["AZ_PNT"] * nev_hdu2
134 ) / (nev_hdu1 + nev_hdu2)
135 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["DEADC"] = (
136 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["DEADC"] * nev_hdu1 + hdu2["EVENTS"].header["DEADC"] * nev_hdu2
137 ) / (nev_hdu1 + nev_hdu2)
138 if not (hdu1["EVENTS"].header["OBS_ID"] == hdu2["EVENTS"].header["OBS_ID"]):
139 print("BEWARE ! You are merging DL3 event with different OBS_ID... You should not do that...")
140 # print(len(hdu1['EVENTS'].data))
141 hdu1["EVENTS"].data = np.append(hdu1["EVENTS"].data, hdu2["EVENTS"].data)
143 # print(len(hdu1['EVENTS'].data))
144 hdu1["EVENTS"].data = hdu1["EVENTS"].data[np.argsort(hdu1["EVENTS"].data["TIME"])]
146 hdu1["EVENTS"].data = hdu1["EVENTS"].data[
147 (hdu1["EVENTS"].data["TIME"] - hdu1["EVENTS"].data["TIME"][0]) < 8 * 3600
148 ]
149 # hdu1['EVENTS'].header['RA_PNT'] = np.mean(hdu1['EVENTS'].data['RA'])
150 # hdu1['EVENTS'].header['DEC_PNT'] = np.mean(hdu1['EVENTS'].data['DEC'])
151 # hdu1['EVENTS'].data['TIME'] = hdu1['EVENTS'].data['TIME']
152 # hdu1['EVENTS'].data['RA'] = hdu1['EVENTS'].data['RA']
153 # hdu1['EVENTS'].data['DEC'] = hdu1['EVENTS'].data['DEC']
154 # hdu1['EVENTS'].data['ENERGY'] = hdu1['EVENTS'].data['ENERGY']
155 # hdu1['EVENTS'].data[:][] = hdu1['EVENTS'].data[:][1]*u.s
156 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["OBS_ID"] = args.run_id
157 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["N_TELS"] = 1
158 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["TELLIST"] = "LST-1"
159 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["TSTART"] = hdu1["EVENTS"].data["TIME"][0]
160 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["TSTOP"] = hdu1["EVENTS"].data["TIME"][-1]
161 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["ONTIME"] = hdu1["EVENTS"].data["TIME"][-1] - hdu1["EVENTS"].data["TIME"][0]
162 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["LIVETIME"] = hdu1["EVENTS"].header["ONTIME"] * hdu1["EVENTS"].header["DEADC"]
163 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["INSTRUME"] = "LST"
164 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["DATE-OBS"] = 0
165 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["TIME-OBS"] = 0
166 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["DATE-END"] = 0
167 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["TIME-END"] = 0
168 hdu1["EVENTS"].header["TELAPSE"] = 0
169 hdu1["POINTING"].header["ALT_PNT"] = hdu1["EVENTS"].header["ALT_PNT"]
170 hdu1["POINTING"].header["AZ_PNT"] = hdu1["EVENTS"].header["AZ_PNT"]
171 hdu1["POINTING"].header["TIME"] = hdu1["EVENTS"].header["TSTART"]
172 prefix = (5 - len(str(hdu1["EVENTS"].header["OBS_ID"]))) * "0"
173 # print(args.output_fits_dir+'dl3_LST-1.Run'+prefix+str(hdu1['EVENTS'].header['OBS_ID'])+'.fits')
174 hdu1["EVENTS"].columns["TIME"].unit = "s"
175 hdu1["EVENTS"].columns["ENERGY"].unit = "TeV"
176 hdu1["EVENTS"].columns["RA"].unit = "deg"
177 hdu1["EVENTS"].columns["DEC"].unit = "deg"
179 hdu1["GTI"].data[0][0] = hdu1["EVENTS"].data[0][1]
180 hdu1["GTI"].data[0][1] = hdu1["EVENTS"].data[-1][1]
182 hdu1.writeto(
183 args.output_fits_dir + "dl3_LST-1.Run" + prefix + str(hdu1["EVENTS"].header["OBS_ID"]) + ".fits",
184 overwrite=True,
185 )
186 print("create directory ")
187 print(directory[:-10] + "plots")
188 if not os.path.exists(directory[:-10] + str(int(args.run_id)) + "/plots"):
189 os.mkdir(directory[:-10] + str(int(args.run_id)) + "/plots")
191 for i in range(150):
192 print("cp -f " + directory[:-10] + str(int(args.run_id) - i) + "/dl3/dl3_LST* " + directory + "/.")
193 os.system("cp -f " + directory[:-10] + str(int(args.run_id) - i) + "/dl3/dl3_LST* " + directory + "/.")
195 filelist_runs = glob.glob(directory + "dl3_LST*")
196 print("runlist is : ")
197 runlist_to_analyse = []
198 for i in range(len(filelist_runs)):
199 print(filelist_runs[i][-10:-5])
200 hdutemp =[i])
201 if (hdutemp["EVENTS"].header["RA_PNT"] - hdu1["EVENTS"].header["RA_PNT"]) ** 2 < 9 and (
202 hdutemp["EVENTS"].header["DEC_PNT"] - hdu1["EVENTS"].header["DEC_PNT"]
203 ) ** 2 < 9:
204 runlist_to_analyse.append(int(filelist_runs[i][-10:-5]))
206 print("lstchain_create_dl3_index_files --file-pattern='dl3_LST*' --input-dl3-dir='" + directory + "' --overwrite ")
207 os.system(
208 "lstchain_create_dl3_index_files --file-pattern='dl3_LST*' --input-dl3-dir='" + directory + "' --overwrite "
209 )
210 print(hdu1["EVENTS"].header["RA_PNT"])
211 print(" final runlist for analysis is : ")
212 print(runlist_to_analyse)
213 # RA,DEC = CreatePlots(directory,[runlist_to_analyse[-1]],hdu1['EVENTS'].header['RA_PNT'],hdu1['EVENTS'].header['DEC_PNT'],hdu1['EVENTS'].header['RA_PNT'],hdu1['EVENTS'].header['DEC_PNT'])
214 # RA,DEC = CreatePlots(directory,[runlist_to_analyse[-1]],RA,DEC,hdu1['EVENTS'].header['RA_PNT'],hdu1['EVENTS'].header['DEC_PNT'])
215 # RA,DEC = CreatePlots(directory,runlist_to_analyse,hdu1['EVENTS'].header['RA_PNT'],hdu1['EVENTS'].header['DEC_PNT'],hdu1['EVENTS'].header['RA_PNT'],hdu1['EVENTS'].header['DEC_PNT'])
216 # CreatePlots(directory,runlist_to_analyse,RA,DEC,hdu1['EVENTS'].header['RA_PNT'],hdu1['EVENTS'].header['DEC_PNT'])
219if __name__ == "__main__":
220 main()